LATTC STANDARDS HAVE SLIPED INTO DARKNESS The institution has a statement of mission that defines the college, its educational purposes, its students, and its place in the higher education community. Does anyone know what happen to that so-called mission statement? Well we �re here to pull the covers off these thieves in the temple tonight.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

File a Complaints If They Don't Stop!

Are you under acts of reprisal, retaliation, threats, coercion, or similar acts by a supervisor(s) and no one is lifting a finger to help you? Well the state of California frowns on that. Under the Whistleblower Protection Act you can embrassed that community college district and your supervisor by filing a lawsuit under the Whistleblower Complaints Statutes. Just take a look at brief section

(b) A person who intentionally engages in acts of reprisal, retaliation, threats, coercion, or similar acts against an employee or applicant for employment with a public school employer for having made a protected disclosure is subject to a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed one year. An employee, officer, or administrator who intentionally engages in that conduct shall also be subject to discipline by the public school employer. If no adverse action is instituted by the public school employer, and it is determined that there is reasonable cause to believe that an act of reprisal, retaliation, threats, coercion, or similar acts prohibited by Section 87163, the local law enforcement agency may report the nature and details of the activity to the governing board of the community college district.


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