LATTC STANDARDS HAVE SLIPED INTO DARKNESS The institution has a statement of mission that defines the college, its educational purposes, its students, and its place in the higher education community. Does anyone know what happen to that so-called mission statement? Well we �re here to pull the covers off these thieves in the temple tonight.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Stealing of LATTC's Funds, Trust and Spirit

It seems amazing that the ones that are entrusted with the welfare of the college's funding operation are the same ones that are stealing from the people who need it most the students. Since 2001 Trade Tech has been raped, robed, beaten down like Cinnamon Girl in a third world country. The NASA program where Trade Tech students attend classes at USC; was started with help of a Trade Tech student and Dr. Moreno. This is one great opportunity for many students of color to have a career with the NASA Space program. Now evidence of misappropriation of fedreal grants has surface is not a shock to me, but it is just the tip of the iceburg. The education diversity has been lacking for years and it's getting even worse with allegations of Dr. Castro and others have violated Title V, and by shutting down Community Services and Continuing Ed to a trickle, no campus newspaper and God knows what other programs have fallen aside. Faculty and staff are scared to talk freely. Some even say; "It's like he's (Castro), running this campus like a little island nation," (You know other Castro). But it don't ends there. There's allegations A.S.O. is a running joke, who is their Advisor working for? The A.S.O. excutive board doesn't even know their own budget. In the 1999-2000 school year, the A.S.O. had reserve close to a million dollars that belongs to the STUDENTS!! not the administration. That means that any student that wishes to review the official bank balance sheet to see how much is in the reserve funds she or he has that right, that's called an audit. It makes you wonder if what they're saying about Dr. Castro and those close to him are true, "They have raided the cookie jar." The Financial Manager has had a history of hiding from the A.S.O. officers the organization's own account balance, (A Violation of the California Ed Code), and this was before Dr. Castro. Now the LACCD has to answer with their hearing impaired selves. There's technology jumping off everywhere around the LACCD but at three campuses including this one. Students and the community have been asking for programs in Media Technology, Television Broadcasting & Production, Dental Technology, and more advance Computer Science Technology Programs for years. LACCD board members thinks no one south of the 10 Frwy, east of La Brea, north of the 105 Frwy, and west of Alameda would be interested in these programs. How racist is that? A school like Trade-Technical college can't have these programs. Yes they (The LACCD Board), will have to answer. The LACCD Board have allowed this administration to continue screwing over us! We the STUDENTS and COMMUNITY that happen to be of COLOR! Harassing good administrators (The ones that haven't been sent away), faculty and staff members that gave a damn about the students by rewarding them with harassments, transfers and force early retirements. And you going tell us that you the LACCD are unaware of this? When my daughter comes over and tells me about these horror stories about what's happening at LATTC, it made me think. What can I do? And the answer came to me. I just can see attorneys drulling over documents that have been uncovered even as I'm writing this commentary. The LACCD board members (Well a least some of them), will think twice about running for any public office in the future. Please stay tune for more updates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a damn shame if anyone of us did that on our jobs we would be sitting in jail for years. So why aren't they?

9:20 PM


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