LATTC STANDARDS HAVE SLIPED INTO DARKNESS The institution has a statement of mission that defines the college, its educational purposes, its students, and its place in the higher education community. Does anyone know what happen to that so-called mission statement? Well we �re here to pull the covers off these thieves in the temple tonight.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


  • California Ed Code Violations By LATTC

    Section 71020-71051 (a) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to foster the creation, implementation, and phase-in of comprehensive community college accountability system that describes the performance of the community colleges in meeting postsecondary educational needs of the students.

    It is further the intent of the Legislature that this accountability systems assist all participants in the community college system, including students, faculty, staff, administrators, local governing boards, the chancellor.........educational and fiscal strengths and weakness of the college in order to improve educational quality in community colleges.

    Fiscal Conditions of the Community College District

    71020.5 (k) Fiscal conditions of the community college district.
    (5) Be designed to streamline the use of multiple performance measures from appropriated sources of data, including, but not limited to, matriculations evaluations, categorical program evaluations, the community college management information systems, and other existing data collection and evaluation systems.
    (6) Provide feedback to individual colleges in order to improve access to community college, students performance, educational programs where needed.
    (7) Produce a published report of community college accountability.

    All meetings of the board shall be open to publics except as otherwise provided. The board may hold executive session closed to the public to consider the employment of any person, or dismissal or other form of disciplinary action to be taken against any officer of employee under the jurisdiction of the board, except where that person, officer or employee request a public hearing.

    The Title V Violations

    Section 51023.7 Students

    The college and the community college district require a quick summary of what.

    The governing board of a community college district shall adopt polices and procedures that provide the students opportunity to participate effectively in the district and college governance. Among other matters, said policies and procedures...........

    Students shall be provided an opportunity to participate in formulation and development of district and college policies and procedures that have or will have a significant effect on students. This right includes the opportunity to participate in processes for jointly developing recommendations to the governing board regarding policies and procedures.

    (See more requirements under Section 51023.7 Students)

    (These are a few Ed code violations that have been ignored by this LATTC and the LACCD).

    Grading policies;
    Codes of student conduct;
    Academic disciplinary policies;
    Curriculum development;
    Courses or programs which should be intimated or discontinued;
    Processes for institutional planning and budget development;
    Standards and policies regarding student preparation and success;
    Student services planning and development;
    Student fees within the authority of the district to adopt;
    And other district and college policies, procedure, or related matter that the district governing board determines will have a significant effect on the students.

    Section 51024
    · Matriculation Services

    Section 51021
    Each Community College shall establish such programs of education and courses (that reflects the current job market and community trends).

    Budget and Accounting

    Ed Code 76060

    Associated Students Trust Funds (A.S.O.)

    Student Representation Fee

  • Ed Code 76060.5
  • Fees collected pursuant to EC 76060.5 shall be placed in a fund known as the Student Representation Fee Trust Fund and shall be deposited in a bank or banks, subject to approval of the governing board. Such accounts must be insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (EC76063)

Expenditure of These Moneys...

  • Fees collected pursuant to EC72253 Money


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