LATTC STANDARDS HAVE SLIPED INTO DARKNESS The institution has a statement of mission that defines the college, its educational purposes, its students, and its place in the higher education community. Does anyone know what happen to that so-called mission statement? Well we �re here to pull the covers off these thieves in the temple tonight.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Whereas, Dean Mel Brown served as an outstanding Professor of English at
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College from 1972 until 1998 in a career Distinguished by exemplary Leadership in his department and teaching Discipline.

Whereas, Dean Mel Brown had an indelible impact upon thousands of Students teaching English as well important life skills and lessons in “Living a fulfilled life.”

Whereas, Dean Mel Brown continued to serve in an administrative capacity
As Dean of The academic Affairs until 1998, manifesting himself as a role model, scholar, poet, author and gentle man of eloquence and influence.

Whereas, Dean Mel Brown continued to assist and advise the faculty of Los Angeles Trade-Technical College even after his retirement from the Los Angeles Community College in 1998 in his new position as executive Secretary of the teamsters Union, by speaking impassionedly on behalf of The College to the Board of trustees during his last regular meeting of the Board' in 2004;

Resolved that the Academic Senate of Los Angeles Trade-Technical college
Recognize the extraordinary efforts of Dean Mel Brown in improving the Quality of California community college education and Governance by conferring, upon him the honor of "`Faculty Emeritus" and establishing an Annual scholarship in his name.

Chini Johnson
President, Academic Senate
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
April 1, 2005

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Professor Mel Brown A Great Mentor and Teacher

Long Time Faculty, Mentor and Language Arts Department Chair, Professor Mel Brown passed away Sunday, March 27 2005 in Bakersfield, CA.
Professor Brown was a dedicated instructor in the Language Arts Dept. at Trade Technical College.
Before he retired in 1998, he was a mentor to many and had a unique way of teaching that had proven results. Brown was also a champion for student’s rights and fought for equality both in and out the classrooms. He also fought for the union in behalf of instructors for full time and hourly for fair wages and health benefits.
In behalf of all LATTC Student Body, Faculty staff, and Alumni, our deepest sympathies to his family.